The following two sites provide a historical background as well
as practical forms and information regarding the filing of a
New Jersey PIP or No Fault claim. Rules and forms for No Fault
and PIP arbitration are also provided.
When you are involved in a NJ motor vehicle accident, the police
report refers to the respective insurance companies involved
in the accident with numerical codes. This site allows the user
to search insurance companies by code.
The following site provides all one needs to know about New Jersey
Small Claims and Special Civil Court.
As in NJ, when one is involved in a NY motor vehicle accident,
the police report also refers to the respective insurance companies
involved in the accident with numerical codes. This site allows
the user to search each insurance company by code.
The following two sites provide a wealth of information regarding
the Filing of a New York No Fault arbitration. New York No Fault
law in general is also detailed and the user is entitled to free
No Fault forms.
The following site provides all one needs to know about New York
Small Claims and Civil Court.